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For the seniors in college getting ready to walk across that graduation stage...

For the seniors in college getting ready to walk across the stage, turn your tassels and drive away from the place you have called home for the past four years.

Walking up those six flights of stairs into a tiny little shoebox of a dorm in Sullivan hall seems like yesterday.

Your family just dropped you off at college. They told you to make friends, sign up for clubs, and, most importantly, don't fail out. If your parents are anything like mine, they probably gave you the "don't mess this up. We have a lot invested in you" speech… or some version of it. You know the lecture all parents give right before you run off and completely stress them out.

Now here you are, getting ready to stand up and walk across that stage. You made it.

Everyone's path was a little different. Maybe it took you three years, maybe five, maybe you've changed majors, or if you're like me couldn't pick and added one or two. You joined the clubs, the teams, the sorority, and you've made friends and memories.

You've pulled the all-nighters in the library, eaten the ice cream, and maybe the jello shots.

You've lived with your best friends and woken up to the fight song at 7 am on game days.

You've eaten tacos and sang karaoke on Wednesdays like it was religion.

Some things have changed over the past couple of years like you don't absolutely love MoBamba the way you did as a freshman, your hair might be a different color, you aren't spending every night in a frat house, and you probably don't eat as much ramen for breakfast… lunch… and dinner. But some things haven't changed at all… you're still you.

You are about to start a new chapter of your life. Get excited because when you throw that cap in the air and pop that champagne, you aren't just celebrating graduation. You're celebrating the late nights, good friends, happy memories, and more importantly... YOU. You are celebrating the fact that YOU have changed and grown and accomplished so much in the past four years. Not just in school… in life. You have gone out, hung out, and made the most of that little piece of paper about to be "mailed in 3 to 6 weeks" put in your hand.

Your college education has prepared you for more than your major. It has prepared you for life.

You did it. The times of worrying about canvas notifications and paper deadlines might be over… unless, of course, you decide to go to grad school (it's pretty fun), you don't have to worry about emails and tests and finding a date for the function on Friday.

Take it in…

Things are going to change. Obviously. Your friends are going to spread out. I've already talked about this, but it was probably the hardest thing for me, so get ready to drive 6 hours in different directions to see your best friends. You'll be worrying less about assignments and more about the fact that you just turned 23 and are signing up for benefits packages and 401k accounts. Things that you haven't really thought about for the past four years are going to all of a sudden seem overwhelming. And all the things you were worried about don't seem as life altering now.

So in the words of the legendary Keith Brittain …oh, and I guess Dr. Suess.

You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

Any direction you choose.

You're on your own. And you know what you know.

And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

You just decided whether you're ready or not to start a brand new adventure. So as you get ready to drive away from your college town with the sketchy bar, the old man with shiny shoes, sticky floor, and 3 dollar green tea shots. You won't look back and remember the turnitin assignments and the powerpoint presentations. You're going to remember the people who made your college experience an experience. The bartender with blue hair who always gave you free drinks, the professor who made you love your major, and the roommate that made you laugh until you cried.

As you eat one last Bruegger's bagel or enjoy one last undergraduate drink with all your friends, you turn that tassel, throw your cap, and get in the car to drive away from the life you've created. You'll decide where you go but never forget where you've been.

You won't just be leaving with a degree you'll be leaving with those memories, good and bad, the late nights and the sunrises. You're leaving stronger, smarter, and more resilient than when you started. You will do amazing things. It's okay to be scared or nervous. This is a big change. But, I promise that you are going to love every second of what comes next.

Congratulations, you did it!

xx Sydney Grace


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When I was 5 or 6, my dad told me that he wasn't sure how I got the name Sydney Grace because I am the absolute opposite of graceful. Loud. Clumsy. Messy. Fun. And so not graceful. The nickname stuck, and sydneygraceful was born, but here I am ready to introduce you to SydneyNotSoGraceful. 

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